Have you ever felt bedding so cozy that you found yourself asking "Are You Kidding? There is no way this bedding can feel this cozy, right?" Sure, you've felt soft bedding before, but bedding that makes you question your sanity? That doesn't come around every day.
Don't worry, Are You Kidding Coma Inducer® bedding won't make you go insane, but it might make you question if you are really feeling what you think you're feeling. Combining smooth and short plush with longer, silk-like plush fibers, every inch of this comfy bedding is unbelievable soft.
We encourage petting our Are You Kidding Coma Inducer® bedding because it may take a moment to realize that such soft bedding is really real. The comfort of this plush bedding feels so amazing, it will make falling asleep and waking up feel like the most pleasant dream.