Socially Distant - Coma Inducer®
Inspired by the COVID-19 lockdowns that caused a sudden and overwhelming feeling of being "Socially Distant." It's against human nature to feel disconnected, but when you find yourself wrapped in an ultra cozy Coma Inducer® Comforter it all seems better. The virus not only made it finally acceptable to be anti-social, but in some states it was mandated. Being confined to your home might be tough, but not if you add our Socially Distant Coma Inducer® to your bed. The comforting feeling of plush furry waves of comfort can take your mind off of the outside world and allow you to focus on your own feelings of peaceful bliss. Being "Socially Distant" never felt so good!!
What were you doing during the 2020 pandemic? Whether you still went into work every day, had to fight to get unemployment, or were working from home (while teaching your kids in some cases), I think we can all agree that whatever you were doing, it wasn't fun. It can be hard to find a silver-lining for something so serious, but we believe we found something that we think you can get behind.
What is that something? It's the importance of "you time". When everyone was advised to socially distance, was it hard for you? Of course it isn't a great way to live, humans are social creatures, but there is a bright spot in having to stay away from others sometimes.
Often, we have too much on our plate to feel anything but stressed and overwhelmed. Sure, it stinks when you aren't able to do much, but take advantage of that and relax. If you ever feel stressed or lonely, the Socially Distant Coma Inducer® will be there to wrap you up in its warm, comforting embrace. Try not to let social distancing get you angry, instead, aim at being grateful that you can spend a little extra time unwinding on your comfy bed.